The Mystery Hidden for Ages
The author of this site is a simple-minded Christian who desires to unapologetically wrestle with the interpretation of scripture from a practical, grammatical, literary position.
I make no claim to a scholarly pursuit, but I do value the research and conclusions of scholars through the ages. I also value the competency of a God-created imagination applied to the biblical text and the need to critically think for oneself in light of the available scholarship.
I also value contending-viewpoints and the validity of a viewpoint other than the expected norm as it sits in the context of the whole of scripture
I make no attempt at controversy or novelty, although I do find myself at times at odds with the status quo of traditional thinking, even while I consider myself a simple Christian on a journey to seek a greater understanding of God as He has revealed Himself through the scriptures.
This blog is in no way intended to compete with scholarly journals or commentaries; it is simply an outworking of my thoughts and how my worldview is being shaped and expanded by the answers I find in the scriptures to the questions I pose to the text. It is most of all. however, an avenue for me to share with others the things that excite me as I am learning.
I also value the courage and confidence that is gained by a free and open discussion of the biblical text in search of a greater understanding of God. The insight and input of others, both as a guide and curb to the meandering trails of my thinking, are critical components to my learning process as they help me think clearly and communicate freely while not clinging to my dogma.
And finally, I value the fact that as I seek a greater understanding of God in the scriptures, and the more I learn of Him, the more my sense of awe and appreciation for Him deepens, and my gratitude for Him and all that He has done for me individually and for ALL the world wells up within me and overflows in worship of Him. This is what drives me most ...worship of Him!
Anyone and everyone is free to join me in this pursuit and any questions or suggestions you may have regarding the process of this journey are welcome.