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The Risen Son of God


The crucifixion-death of Jesus is the single-most phenomenal event in all of human history.

And the incredible result Jesus accomplished through His crucifixion vastly surpasses any other accomplishment of any other event in human history.

The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, says that Jesus accomplished the phenomenal event of securing God’s forgiveness for man’s transgressions and iniquities that brought ultimate peace and healing for all of eternity to those who believe Jesus to be the Son of God. (Isaiah 53)

WOW! One single event, in one single moment in time accomplished so much, for so many, for all eternity!

The apostle Paul reflects on the breadth of this accomplishment in Romans 5 saying,

"one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people."

There could be no greater maximum efficacious nature of any one single event in human history than Jesus’ crucifixion-death; that one single monumental event that so vastly affected all people for all eternity. The breadth of influence is unending.

Not only does Isaiah speak of the breadth of the influence the crucifixion-death, he also speaks of the depth of the pain Jesus experienced during his crucifixion.

We also know from medical experts that the crucifixion-death of Jesus was an excruciating and traumatic death, as awful as any kind of death known to man. Isaiah says that Jesus, on the cross, was pierced, crushed, punished and wounded. The crucifixion-death of Jesus was a horrific event, and naturally, we grieve and mourn knowing the torture and abuse he voluntarily endured to ensure the result of his crucifixion.

However, the resultant accomplishment of that crucifixion-death, (as awful as the crucifixion must have been for him,) is something so grand and so rewarding for all people, how can we not most certainly celebrate that event? Even amid our mourning and sorry, the crucifixion-death of Jesus is as triumphant an event of any even in human history and it should evoke celebration in our hearts.

In fact, in terms of accomplishment, the crucifixion-death of Jesus is theologically on par in importance as the resurrection of Jesus. If not for the death of Jesus, there would be no need for the resurrection of Jesus.

The death of Jesus produced, for all people, forgiveness and an eternal life-changing status.

The resurrection of Jesus distinctively proved for all people that Jesus truly was the Son of God. (Romans 1:4)

We celebrate both the death and resurrection of Jesus this Easter season.


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